Twin Stumps

Brooklyn, NY

Twin Stumps

Brooklyn, NY

About Twin Stumps

Twin Stumps, a noise and hardcore band from Brooklyn, NY, push these genres to a new and utterly dangerous place. Bands like SQRM, Neon Blud, Drunkdriver, and early Sonic Youth sound welcoming and docile next to the earthshaking chaos and harsh feedback that define Twin Stumps’ deconstructed and relentless hardcore sound. What sounds like scraps of sheet metal being hammered inside a dilapidated industrial edifice seep through your speakers and into your heart. Muffled bass loops and hard-hitting, precise, and intricate drumbeats keep the rhythm underneath the savagery of guitar feedback, layers of distortion, atonal madness, and threatening vocals. After putting out their debut self-titled EP with Dais in 2009, Twin Stumps released their first full-length Seedbed on Fan Death Records the following year.
